IBM PC and Compatibles: See the file "Intro.txt" in the "PC" directory for information about the contents of the CD-ROM. See the file "TABLECON.TXT" for specifics on the organization of the indexed NewsBytes articles. Getting Started: 1. You must be in the drive that contains the CD. (Do this by typing the letter that is the CD drive, E.G. type "E:" 2. Type "NEWSB" to launch TextWare. 3. Open the "NewsBytes 1983 - June 1992" TextWare database. 4. Hints and tips: * press the escape key to get past the first screen. * press F1 for on-line help. * press the escape key to back out of an operation. 5. For more detailed help, open the on line TextWare Manual. Or see the "Intro.txt" file in the "PC" directory. Wayzata Technology 1-800-377-7321 or (218) 326-0597 FAX (218) 326-0598